
Front Porch Ideas

A few updates can change a dull and boring entryway into a lively and welcoming gateway to your home. Paint color, a tidy walkway and some simple landscaping tricks can make all the difference. Here we will cover a few simple front porch ideas you can complete in a weekend that will turn any good entrance into a grand entrance.

Bold Door Color – #1 of Our Front Porch Ideas

Many entries lack character. Homeowners will paint their door a bland color or match it too closely to the siding. The entry gets lost when it blends in. By using a contrasting or bold color to paint your door, you help visitors see the entry quickly and clearly. Plus, a splash of color on the front door does a lot to liven up the entire facade without making a huge commitment. Home is where the heart is, and we believe every heart should have a welcoming doorway. Call and let the pros paint your front door beautifully! (619) 586-5683

Adding Welcoming Furniture

One of the best front porch ideas is having an arrangement of furniture near an entry. This can really boost the welcome factor! An outdoor chair or a porch swing is a simple, cost effective way to make your entry more inviting. Consider adding a small table between two outdoor chairs as a conversation area for enjoying pleasant evenings outdoors.

Keeping the Way Clear

Another overlooked component when it comes to front porch ideas is a tidy walkway leading up to the porch. A well-kept path or sidewalk from the street all the way to the front door should be a priority when creating your grand entrance. First, gathering up the kids’ yard toys and bikes after a day outside can be tedious, but its always worth it. Create a space for them somewhere off the entry path. Second, maintain a tidy pathway. A little weed killer and edging goes a long way to keeping a clean look. If you don’t have a path to the front door currently, consider installing concrete pavers or stepping stones as an alternative to laying brick or pouring concrete. Your local hardware store should be able to give you some DIY advice when you’re ready to begin working on your front porch ideas .

Adding Great Lighting

#4 of our front porch ideas is treating the entryway with gorgeous lighting. A good entry becomes grand when lights are placed where they are functional but not obtrusive. Not only will the features of your entry come alive with light, but people will be welcomed at night without the hazards of tripping or getting lost. Be cautious, though; too much brightness can wash out the prettiest facade. Add just enough lighting to accentuate the features of your entry and help people to see in the dark, but not enough that it flattens architectural details.

Flowers and Other Potted Plants

This may be obvious when it comes to front porch ideas however it should be said:

  • Avoid letting plants grow to large where they block the view of your house.
  • The backyard and sides of the house are great for larger landscaping arrangements and vegetation.
  • Consider a collection of potted plants and low, well-trimmed shrubs to surround your grand entry. This will let you add flair to your entrance in a way that is controlled, well-kept and welcoming.
  • By using a selection of potted plants, you can rotate varieties based on season to keep the entry looking fresh and season-appropriate.